Years of pent up anger over their treatment of citizens boiled to a breaking point. When the military took over last February, the police tried to keep order, but they performed badly. The military, generally appreciated, did not do the dirty work for Mubarak and company: that was for the police. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below.

I soon learned they are on a paid (unofficial) strike Walking through Tahrir Square I saw not one police officer, even as crowds of demonstrators gathered. Clad in white uniforms, most were sleeping, talking on their phones or engaged in causal chatter. Traveling through the city, I saw none, except four police cars parked along side Cairo Museum just off Tahrir Square. “Where are the police?” I asked as I went around Cairo these last few days. The veil, pulled back on their real intentions, may serve to reduce their quite surprising 26% vote in the original legislative vote that now has been undone.Confusing are the roles of the military and the police. Days before the plug was pulled on parliament, they had open debates on intimate sexual matters in their attempt to institute Sharia law. It is hoped that in the election to come, they will be ready.Ī subtext is the Salafi party – fundamentalists - who spook even conservative Muslims. Added to that: Both liberal Muslim and Christian groupings were grossly disorganized in the past election. And maybe more important, public sympathy for how the Brotherhood was treated by Mubarak and his predecessors will have diminished. Forced to run again, they will be known for the six months of incompetence they’ve already exhibited in running parliament. By undoing their parliamentary control, the military poked a stick in the wheels of the Brotherhood, who won far more votes (47%) than was ever expected. The two run-off candidates for president are Mubarak’s last prime minister, Ahmed Shafik, and Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The next issue of NP Platformed will soon be in your inbox.

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